Benefits of Recycled Plastic Pens

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How very lucky we are to have been born during a time when we can enjoy the many benefits that fossil fuels bring to our daily lives. Transportation, electricity-production, heating and manufactured goods all depend heavily on that energy source  bequeathed to us by organic lifeforms since the dawn of time.

Are we using our limited resourcs wisely? Many would say not…and some would go so far as to say that generations to come will look on us as wasteful and poor custodians of earth’s bounty. Whether you share that view or not it is a fact that we are using up our deposits of fossil fuels at an alarming and accelerating rate and eventually the only ones left on earth will be those that are too difficult or expensive to reach. That pricks most people’s conscious because we know our oil addiction will in the span of a few generations undo the work that took nature many millions of years to create and we will leave future generations all the poorer for it.

Well there is something we can all do with just a little effort and that is, consume less and recycle more. I will mention my company, The Pen Warehouse just to illustrate some of the things we have managed to implement in recent years so that our oil addiction is kept in check.

  1. We now source electricity from wind farms
  2. We use low-energy lighting in most parts of our plant
  3. All waste cardboard and paper is compacted and recycled
  4. We use the latest energy-efficient gas heating throughout the plant
  5. We encourage the use of recycled plastic pens,  recycled plastic pencils and many other promotional desktop items.

We are the first to admit that as a for-profit organisation we have a vested interest in extolling the virtues of recycled promotional products as they form an important part of our revenue stream. However, we put a disproportionate amount of time, money and effort into the development of recycled promotional products in general as we do not measure ‘success’ in terms of profit alone.

We are particularly pleased with the latest development, the very unique Envirostick Ballpen with EcoAllene refill – actually the world’s first and only truly recycled post-consumer pen refill. Until now all pens on the market that claim to be recycled, including many of our own, actually do not have a recycled refill. It is a small victory for us but it is one that makes us smile!….Why not put a smile on your face too by pasing the message on to your customers? You may even get an order!